Everything you could ask for in a Plastic Surgeon! The staff is amazingly supportive and so helpful walking you through any process. So grateful for all of them!

A better backside
A Brazilian butt lift is a specialized fat transfer procedure that augments the size and shape of the buttocks without implants. Excess fat is removed from the hips, abdomen, lower back, or thighs with liposuction, and a portion of this fat is then strategically injected into the buttocks.
One of our skilled cosmetic surgeons can improve the proportions of the entire lower body with Brazilian butt lift surgery, helping a patient lose fat in common “problem areas” and enhance the buttocks, with results lasting many years.
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The shape and proportion of a person’s buttocks are largely determined by genetics; both your skeletal structure and how your body stores fat influence the appearance of the lower body. A healthy diet and exercise can work to achieve a healthy body weight and tone the muscles, but many patients remain unhappy with a “flat” buttocks that lacks shape, despite a healthy lifestyle.
Brazilian butt lift surgery can help overcome the effects of genetics by reshaping the buttocks and surrounding areas, such as the hips, lower back, and thighs. You might consider a Brazilian butt lift to:
Everything you could ask for in a Plastic Surgeon! The staff is amazingly supportive and so helpful walking you through any process. So grateful for all of them!
A Brazilian butt lift can be a great option to improve the shape and size of the buttocks; however, certain patients are better suited to the procedure, and it is important to have realistic expectations about the surgery, recovery, and results. In general, you are likely a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift if you agree with the following:
Despite its name, a Brazilian butt lift is not a traditional “lifting” procedure—it does not address loose skin on the buttocks. If you are bothered by excess, sagging skin on the buttocks or thighs, thigh & buttock lift surgery may be a more suitable option.
One significant advantage of Brazilian butt lift surgery is that it increases buttock size without implants. In the hands of one of our specially trained cosmetic surgeons who operates in an accredited facility, the procedure has a low risk for complications and can achieve remarkably natural looking and feeling results.
Brazilian butt lift surgery is a complex procedure that requires a highly-developed eye for aesthetic detail, and extensive training and experience in fat transfer techniques. Not all doctors who practice cosmetic surgery receive this specialized training in their residency training, so do your homework before choosing a Brazilian butt lift surgeon.
American Board of Cosmetic Surgery diplomates are formally trained and experienced in the cosmetic surgery specialty and perform surgery in an accredited surgical facility.
A Brazilian butt lift involves three basic steps:
Surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.
Having an operation on the buttocks requires some special modifications during recovery. While pain is typically minimal and easily controlled through pain medication, you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for about 2 weeks after a Brazilian butt lift.
During this time, you will need to sleep on your stomach or side, and either lie this way or stand for all activity except using the toilet. When you are ready, your cosmetic surgeon will allow you to sit in a modified position, using a “donut” seat or placing a pillow under your thighs to avoid pressure on the buttocks. Normal sitting activity is typically allowed after 8 weeks or so.
Given you follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions, you should be able to resume light daily activities within 1 week after surgery and return to work within 10 to 14 days.
Brazilian butt lift results are meant to last for many years. Fat cells removed with liposuction will not return to the area, and fat cells that survive transfer to the buttocks will remain for years to come. However, significant weight fluctuations can affect your results, so maintain a stable weight to keep your results looking their best.
Results are typically final within 6 months of surgery, after residual swelling has gone away and you are fully healed. By this time, your curvier buttocks and improved lower body proportions will be noticeable in how you look and in the way clothing fits.
When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, a Brazilian butt lift is a rewarding procedure with long-lasting results. The best way to learn more is to meet with one of our board certified cosmetic surgeons for a consultation.
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